September 2023

Battlestar Mercury, Book#3 “Logistics”: chapter 18 “tit-for-tat”

“This is the XO pre jump check list is running.” “All launch bays have birds and are ready for combat jump.” “All FTL lights are green. The board shows jump keys are inserted. FTL spooled and ready. Double check FTL jump destinations.” CIC: “Valkyrie wing reporting ready for combat jump. “Minotaur’s reporting ready for combat

Battlestar Mercury, Book#3 “Logistics”: chapter 18 “tit-for-tat” Read More »

Battlestar Mercury Book 3 “Logistics” Book 3 Chapter 17 “Escape”

Cavil on a base star, speaking to another model #1 Cavil. “I am tired of Admiral Lawson, stealing supplies, and hitting us with the death of 1000 cuts. I want to launch a raid on every colonial base, attacking every colonial fleet formation. I don’t wanna hear any more excuses!” “We have recent Intel on

Battlestar Mercury Book 3 “Logistics” Book 3 Chapter 17 “Escape” Read More »

Battlestar Mercury “Logistics” Chapter 16 “High Pressure!”

CIC: “We are staged and ready to jump. All ships report green. All birds in the tubes. Ready to launch on the other side.” CIC: “Jump complete. Holding vipers as per battle plan. Scanning for targets. There is heavy jamming.” CIC: “Recon is up. Attempting to clear the jamming.” Mercury Actual: “All guns are free

Battlestar Mercury “Logistics” Chapter 16 “High Pressure!” Read More »

Battlestar Mercury “Logistics” Chapter 15 “Escalation”

TF-7: “Six contacts. 5 forward. Launching raiders.” TF-7: “We have weapons lock. Nuclear ordinance has been released.” TF-7: “Yeah! we are smoking them!” TF-7: “Targets destroyed. Resurrection ship is history.” After action report Day 681 of the second Cylon war. Admiral Eva Lawson sat at her desk, going over the reports from task force seven.

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