Major Evans took command of the Athena. She got a new wireless call and raise Commander James Morganstern.
“I called inform you, you are the task force commander now what are your orders, sir?”
The commander replied, his voice distorted slightly by interference. “Aye Ma’am I have the conn. Have the task force follow helios protocol.”
Her expression soured slightly. “Commander Evans is going to be out of the game for at least three months. He’s badly hurt. You’re not reporting into your admiral. You were going to be the admiral, sir. We’re ready to roll commander. We’re gonna use five jumps to get back to New Helios.”
The new fleet commander’s voice was put on fleet wide broadcast: “We are not giving up on the Mercury. It’s too valuable and asset for the colony. We will look for her a little by little. She will always stand as a beacon for our people. To find a way to get our people home in the shepherd them through a better life. Do not fret they are coming home, in time.”
“So say we all!”
Later at Morgenstern’s office in the mobile shipyard:
“Commander Morganstern I’ve got a job for you. Commander Evans is going to be out of action for at least three months.”
“I assume you will be moving your flag to the Mercury Class ship, the Athena.”
“After the end of the term of this government, we’re going to have to make budget cuts. We can no longer afford to maintain if we did this high-level if there’s no battle going on. We simply do not have the people power.”
“I will be able to work with a smaller fleet and less resources. I’ll do my best to work well with you. I can work with a smaller fleet. I understand the human resources will be allocated to the build up of the colony.”
“We are going to need to bring Lawson back if we can. Though I will admit that her reputation sometimes exceeded her accomplishments.”
Video segment 1
Cory Brooks: 10 Years after Mercury is lost. President Brooks speaking at the memorial ceremony.
“A lot has happened in the past 10 years. I have served two five-year terms as president of the new Helios colonies. As my last acting office, I have extended the mandatory retirement age of the admiral of the fleet from age 70 to 80. At that time, if he lives long enough, we will have to find ourselves a new military leader.”
“The threat of extinction at the hands of these machines the Cylon’s has passed. We do not know the fate of the toasters. We are happy they have passed into history. We have fought a political battle over women’s reproductive rights versus our need to continue the species.”
“I am proud of the fact that we have a population that now exceeds 3/4 of 1 million. That’s a society we are growing at a high rate. I, for one, hope that we grow to the point where we can all agree to restore these rights and freedoms to where they were before the extinction or near extinction of our people.”
“My last duty is the promotion of commander, Steven Evans, from the rank of commander to the rank of rear admiral. Commander Evans you have waited patiently for a long time. Now get up to the podium and give us some words.”
After a long ovation, Commander Evan’s looking a lot more grey, tapped the microphone and begun to speak.
“I know I have to keep a lower rank for budgetary reasons but I manage to keep the Athena is my command. One mercury class Battlestar cannot do the work of three. However with that handicap we have done well. We have more people wanting to join the colonial fleet and there are spots on ships.”
“It is my intention to reestablish a professional core of officers and enlisted service persons. The great mystery as you all know to be, and solving it may never happen will at least be pursued under the joint administration of myself and vice admiral Morganstern. We will endeavor to try and find out what happened to the Mercury, the Solaria and the Saturn.”
Nine months and 41 days later.
“Admiral Evans. This is the report you’ve been waiting for. We definitely have signs of toasters within 500 light years of this area.”
The rear admiral was sitting at his desk. The colonial fleet was pretty casual these days. The younger man who held the rank of captain, drop the folder onto the desk, which was in the mobile shipyard. It made that bureaucratic satisfying noise as it cut through the air on the way down to the desk. It was a large folder with some printed photos in it. The vice admiral had signed off on it and asked we were admiral Evans to add his opinion.
“Summarize it for me Captain Clemmons. You know I am a busy Admiral.”
“We hit jackpot this time. Two separate finds. The first is a blood field left over by a modern raider. The kind that has blood and all that. We got enough of the sample to do a DNA check. It is related to the samples from our era and the war that ended seven years ago. This was manufactured less than four years ago. There are not many technological changes, but it’s definitely a new batch of modern Raiders.”
“Captain Clemens are you sure it’s not just a wrecked nemesis class ship?”
“Absolutely not. We picked up a half-dozen ships of that class none of which have been operating in this area. There are war casualties from our journey from the colonies to here in New Helios. The second find is even more fantastic it’s a heavy raider. It has living components as we always suspected. The crash site has evidence of five or six dead centurions. The heavy raider itself was modified to allow a centurion of any type operate it. That includes the first war variety of toaster.”
“Captain when was the ship manufactured?”
“13 years ago. Before the start of the second Cylon war. It was destroyed seven years ago. The logs and the navigational database are the real find here. There are log entries made by humanoid cylon’s claiming that the ship was based on the last rebel base star.”
Admiral Evans eyes brightened, and his eyebrows rows above his eyes. His curiosity has been triggered. ”Well go on Captain get to the point!”
“There were dozens of log entries. They claimed three models of the toasters, joined the humans and rebelled against the other models. They mentioned the sixes and the eights. There are entries documenting a Civil War, and a eventual alliance with humans from the Battlestar Galactica. A lot of material until the humans settled on earth, wherever that is.”
“There are dozens of intentionally erased records in the navigation of the database of this heavy raider. The logs say that they found a new planet called earth and the Galactica was heavily damaged by her final jump away from something called the Cylon colony. We have no references about what that might be but there was a battle in the Cylon Civil War and resulted in severe damage to the ship and the destruction of FTL capability of the Galactica.”
“I wonder if Adama made it.”
“Every spare bite of computer storage in this navigational database was over written with random numbers millions and millions of times. We’ve not found any way to reconstruct the navigational records to earth. The reason given for this was the centurions and the last modern base star were freed to explore and evolve.”
The rear admiral leaned back in his chair and stared with a reflective gaze at the ceiling of his office. “So the centurions modified their memories and their operating system so they could forget where they came from. They didn’t want to pose a danger to humanity?”
“Exactly admiral that is exactly my point. They erased the location of earth, but not the memory of earth. Seven years ago the war against the colonies ended with the destruction of three models of Cylons, and the settlement of Galactica and the rest of their fleet on the second Earth. The first earth was destroyed by nuclear holocaust, in another war after inventing toasters in the Kobol era..”
“These three models and their centurions went to great effort to erase all navigational memory in every single survivor of the war. Then they search and explore looking for a new home to manufacture parts and new beings. For about five years they searched after resurrection technology. We don’t know whether that succeeded or not because the ship crashed with that mission incomplete. The date references are vague, perhaps intentionally. They considered the war on behalf of the humans heroic and wanted the memory of the deed to continue on. They wanted a legacy.”
“Captain. What was the scope of their exploration?”
“It was gigantic, sir. A radius of over a 1 million light years. The database was incomplete due to damage during the crash. They found sources of fuel and of minerals, and ore. Some of it was very close to new Helios. Those locations, we have confirmed. We have a new tylium source 105 light years from here.”
“How the Frack did we miss that?”
The captain get only shrug his shoulders. He was clearly excited, and had one more thing to reveal at least. “The exciting part is, there’s a reference to the Battlestar Mercury, Solaria, and Saturn. Take a look at the back page pictures.”
Admiral Evans looked at the blown up, grainy pictures. They were very low resolution, apparently damage in the crash clearly though on the edge of a star, or some celestial body were the outlines of three heavy battle stars. Two were Mercury class, and one was a Jupiter Mark ii.”
“Samuel Clemens, you are the worst storyteller I have ever met. Is there any navigational data in the computer database on these?”
“There is we’ve got exact coordinates. It’s going to require, how do you say a shit ton of fuel to get there if we decide to go.”
“Why would we decide not to go?”
“The logs. There was evidence of a massive, celestial body in the system, where this picture was taken. The theory from the scientific readings is there was a black hole. The three battle stars came out of an emergency jump on the edge of the event horizon, and will be there forever. What actually happened is they were trapped and destroyed, moments after the jump.”
“Was a black hole? Sam were there backup readings and data to prove the black hole theory?”
“No. As you know, there’s a flaw in the design of the Cylons. Certain kinds of radiation quickly starts to melt their circuits. They documented a massive radiation field, put up some warning buoys and headed back for a planned meeting with their base star. Forensics say an error in an FTL jump caused the crash.”
“Any problems for us ordinary humans doctor Clemmons?”
“I wouldn’t plan a vacation there. Over the long haul that radiations not gonna do us any good either. We can probably get a small ship within range to get readings to verify the fate of the warships and the existence of the black hole.”
“The scientific conclusion is that there was not an ability to take adequate readings. We have no exploration data of that sector. We have pointed our most powerful telescopes on that area though. The readings are quite thin, but do not match the conditions of any previously documented black hole.”
“So we have a mystery to explore. Might they be frozen in time by some new type of stellar anomaly?”
“Not possible Sir. They are all quite dead for quite a long time. There is no hurry. We can do the mission at a much lower fuel cost when the FTL mark 4 enters service in five or six years.”
“I see you left the conclusion, fate unknown. So there’s just enough of doubt in your report because I still want to spend the money and the fuel to verify it.”
Both men nodded and made mental notes.
Video Segment 2
Task Force Mercury: 21 years six months overdue.
“We gathered here today 21 1/2 years after the task force led by the battle star mercury was lost. We are here to celebrate 18 months late the retirement of nearly 82-year-old Admiral James Morganstern. Also there’s a little matter of my promotion to vice admiral which I find wholey unnecessary.”
“This is because the budget only has sufficient funding for one admiral. We also celebrate today the end of operational tests of the mark 6 FTL faster than light drive. After the deadly failure of the mar k three drive, which was based on the cylon Drive, which is designated as the mark to drive finally the mark six model has proven to be reliable enough to resume or exploration of exploration of the galaxy.”
“Finally, we have a drive system that is reliable and accurate enough to take a larger battle star to the site where the heavy raider documented the fate of the Mercury, Saturn and Solaria. Let us take a moment of silence to honor those that were lost in the tests at the Mark two, Mark three, mark four mark five faster than light drives.”
Video segment 3
Mercury 40 years past due.
“We are gathered here today to celebrate my long past due retirement. I happily pass the command of the fleet and the Colonies of New Helios to the care of Admiral Wilson. You have been a fine rear admiral, sir, and you will be a fine vice admiral in the future.”
“Samantha we have but one mission that we waited for many years to carry out. I thank you for my honorary role on the mission to document the end state of task force mercury. A simple scientific mission to see why the photos taken by the Cylons many years ago appear to indicate the presence of a black hole, while other readings with powerful telescopes disagree.”
“It is amazing that over 40 years the colonies of new Helios have expanded from under a quarter of a million persons to over 20 million today. We have three candidates for every spot in the war fleet or defense of late as we call today. We have built a self sufficient society and from all evidence we have out lasted the remnants of the Cylons.”
Mission to the loss site. Led by the battlestar Athena.
“Doctor. This is the coordinates from the Cylon navigational computer is it not?”
“Yes, Admiral. The radiation levels are exactly as expected. The star settings are exact match to the Cylon navigational, computer, and all evidence from that crashed ship. Only one little problem. No Mercury. No Saturn. No Solaria the battlestars are gone.”
“Major Smith. I spent weeks in hearings before the quorum of the 12. We spent millions of cubits to buy the fuel for this mission and you’re telling me the three battle stars are not here. You showed me animations! You showed me simulations what the Frack? No evidence of a black hole, just a massive radiation field. My Gods. OK we sit here for three days and then we jump home. No emissions! No patrols. This may be a Cylon trap! We sit here and we maintain complete electronic silence. At least that puts off the presidential briefing I promised for the 3 days.”
Video Segment 4
Full chapter video