Battlestar Mercury “Second War”

  • Chapter 69: The standoff (2/16/2023) - Chapter 69: Stand off. “Get raptors out to task force Saturn,” Admiral Lawson barked. “Figure out how we are going to fill in the gaps the Cylons just tore in this task force. “We have an encrypted communication from Cory Brooks of the Peoples Council.” The comms officer looked down and read carefully. “Cylon ships […]
  • Chapter 68: The Shipyard (2/16/2023) - The mutiny story was a suggestion of Mullroy234 from the BSG Deadlock discord. Solaria:Commanders Quarters Lockheart, Ward, Wilson and the representatives of six other ships all agreed that Zack “Sniper” Anthony should be their leader. His record with the Colonial fleet was not tainted like the others. He was on leave the day the Cylons […]
  • Chapter 67: The Cylons have a plan (2/16/2023) - Chapter 67: Fleet Headquarters Battelestar Solaria Ready Room Herman Wilson’s grandfather had commanded a battlestar in the first Cylon war. He had fought under the command of Eva Lawson’s grandmother, also Eva Lawson. Also an Admiral by the end of the war. She had used several flagships, the most famous of which was named Mercury, […]
  • Chapter 66: Economy of War (2/16/2023) - Chapter 66: After the attempted ambush of the Mercury the Cylons pulled all their forces away from the human colonies. It was obvious to them that Admiral Lawson was taking a confrontational approach hoping that a major battle would wake up the government. It was important to build enough ship capacity to take the population […]
  • Chapter 65: Quiet interrupted. (2/16/2023) - Day 463 after the fall Admiral Lawson had been having trouble sleeping for many months now. She knew today was the 463 days since the fall of the colonies. She is just re-qualified on the mark seven viper. Finding time to fly the minimum hours has been very difficult for her. The Cylons had not […]
  • Chapter 64: Rolling the hard six (2/16/2023) - Previous Chapter Next Chapter Day 402 after the fall. As a Major and then a Commander, Eva Lawson did not like morning meetings. No amount of coffee could get the fog out of her mind before 9 am. As an admiral she despised early morning meetings. This one was in a particularly obnoxious time 5:30 […]
  • Chapter 63: Skirmish (2/16/2023) - Day 381 after the fall Admiral Lawson was in a temporary office in the fleet HQ. Normally she kept her office hours on the Battlestar mercury. However for the past week and a half to ship a been in for repairs and she was forced to use this small office. The office had a window […]
  • Chapter 62: The last Anabasis run. (2/16/2023) - Chapter 62: Lawsons Anabasis run Day 1 Day 341 after the fall. Admiral Lawson vlog. “I hate these new digital logs,” Lawson said. “I have to have my hair done just to record the musings of my fraked up mind for the sake of history. Anyway, we are at Picon, assembling a refugee fleet with […]
  • Chapter 61: Hell or Anabasis mission 2. 10 more jumps. (2/16/2023) - Chapter 61 They got ten days “off” between missions. Admiral Lawson led a huge fleet to make the next run to the old colonies as they were now often referred to as. It took seven days for Rose Carey’s team to get through the viper and raptor repair backlog. Then there were three days of […]
  • Chapter 60: 10 jumps through hell (2/16/2023) - Chapter 60: The Cylon “Peace” The day after she was promoted to Admiral Commander Lawson, rather Admiral Lawson was greeted with a wireless call in her office on the Mercury. The buzzing was annoying so she answered it immediately.It was her executive officer Major Simmons. “Do you have a conference call with Commander Ramirez and […]
  • Chapter 59: The battlestars (2/16/2023) - Heracles in the videos a gift from Joker of the BSG Deadlock discord, Commander Maria Ramirez was looking positively thin in her blue day uniform. She was immaculate. Every button was polished, All her uniforms have been altered to her new more svelte physique physique. She knew the hallways of this Battlestar very well having […]
  • Chapter 58 Resume the war (2/16/2023) - It had not pleased anyone in the chain of command that Commander Lawson had ordered the ship yard moved. The location was picked to be convenient to the resources that were required to build ships. The :big three” as Lawson, Ramirez and Cobb were referred to as were concerned that the Cylons had guessed the […]
  • Chaper 57: Cease fire? Ends? (2/16/2023) - The admiral argued against it, Commander Ramirez argue against it. Nothing could stop Cory Brooks in her desire to go forward with the cease fire. Truth be told the colonial fleet, disorganized and undermanned needed some time off. They need to repair their ships. More than that they needed to train their people. The heavy […]
  • Chapter 56: Decisive battle? (2/16/2023) - The meeting gave new relevance to the word clandestine. Admiral Cobb had to take two raptors in order to get to the meeting Place and a dark wind swept plain on a forgotten world that no one had bothered to chart. Walking with a cane he slowly exited the raptor and shuffled up along path […]
  • Chapter 55: Saturn Trials (2/16/2023) - Admiral Andrew Cobb sat in his office staring at the report of the recent battle. He did not know what to do about the situation. Cory Brooks had pressured him into launching the attack before he was ready. The intelligence and I’ve been verified thoroughly. Although he had come out of the Battlestar before his […]
  • Chapter 54: PTSD (2/16/2023) - Chapter 54: PTSD Secure communications: From: Colonial Fleet Headquarters. Admiral Andrew Cobb To: Commander Maria Ramirez. Commander Battlestar Saturn Re: Status Commander Eva Lawson We are in receipt of the debriefing of the Commando force. We have received nothing on the status of Commander Lawson. Please send complete medical and psychological profile to this office […]
  • Chapter 53: Come on home. (2/16/2023) - Major Maria Ramirez looked totally different that she had the day of the attacks on the colonies. She had lost a lot of weight and had finally had a new uniform issued to her. She looked good in the immaculately pressed blue uniform. She waited for the Admiral’s secretary to escort him into his tiny, […]
  • Chapter 52: A better rescue plan (2/16/2023) - Chapter 52: Operation misdirect. Admiral Cobb sat in a chair at a rectangular table with six of his “senior” commanders. Though Major Maria Ramirez did not feel senior, she was there because se was he XO and temporary commander of the most powerful warship in the fleet. When he cleared his throat to speak, everyone […]
  • Chapter 51: The simulation (2/16/2023) - Andrew Cobb was an older man, the years had taken their toll on him. He was tall, with an athletic build. What little hair he had on the sides of h is head were white. He stood up when Major Ramirez walked into his office at the busy mobile shipyard. He moved slowly, as if […]
  • Chapter 50: Rescue attempt (2/16/2023) - “We are at the communications hub Major,” the technician who was a glorified geek that used to work for her when she was head of IT. “Break in,” she ordered. The man, in his early twenties with a non-regulation earring in his left ear lobe, was typing for about 55 seconds before he leaned back […]
  • Chapter 49: The prisoner (2/16/2023) - Commander Eva Lawson as a little disoriented when she awoke in the bedroom section of the commanders quarters. Her left hand reached to the other side of the bed, which she had shared with Cavil the Cylon. This was the attractive, handsome older man with a rugged intellectual look who gave her everything she needed. […]
  • Chapter 48: Hope in the ashes of victory. (2/16/2023) - Chapter 48: Hope in the ashes of victory. Cory Brooks, Executive of the Peoples Council sat in Major Martin’s office on the largest of the shipbuilding platforms. It was a giant office with a humongous wide window overlooking half the shipyard platform.  Commander Eva Lawson had not invited her. Major Martin had tendered the invitation. […]
  • Chapter 47: The M stands for mobile (2/16/2023) - Video credit: BSG Deadlock player Lochdanon – he helped shoot a lot of the footage. Commander Eva Lawson was on a tour of the secret shipbuilding facility with Major Martin. Since the Mercury was still not considered clean from the standpoint of CNP related software, the tour was conducted on the Valkyrie class vessel, the […]
  • Chapter 46: Recon (2/16/2023) - Cavil was probably clinically depressed if not psychotic. His military campaign against the colonies was going poorly. The Galactica was leading a government taking 47,000 civilians into an exile, pursued by thousands of Cylon forces. The fleet of 1000 ships that wiped out the colonies was now spread across the galaxy looking for Galactica. A […]
  • Chapter 45: Data Transfer (2/16/2023) - Lieutenant Arthur Garner was the first appointment for Major Ramirez and Major Martin, the commander it turned out of Battlestar Group 34. They were quite short of bodies if they could not find a combat commander. Garner was tasked to make all the systems of all of the ships in the Lawson fleet as it […]
  • Chapter 44: Brother John the Cylon (2/16/2023) - It was bizarre the way Brother John the Cylon was taken into custody. After weeks of quarantine Commander Lawson had bent the rules to have him in her quarters supposedly for a booty call. Instead of that thirty minutes after his arrival John the Cylon was arrested for being a Cylon agent. Fortunately for the […]
  • Chapter 43: Meets and Planning (2/16/2023) - Major Rick Martin was on a secure video link with Commander (acting) Eva Lawson. She had a curious look on her face as she went through the thick paper file she was delivered from decontamination. “We have to get a few things straight before we make the final jumps to our hidden shipyard. First we […]
  • Chapter 42: Jump 7 (2/16/2023) - The Solaria was barely keeping up. The outbreak was much less contained there and the population was mostly civilian. Gun crews infected or not isolated themselves by living in their stations. It had taken six jumps to get where they thought the civilian convoy might be. Lawson was alone in the commander’s quarters looking at […]
  • Chapter 41: Trail gets hot! (2/16/2023) - A conference call was set up with the department heads who were involved in the search for the second force, the remnants of Battlestar Group 34. CIC was represented by Major Maria Ramirez Lieutenant Arthur Garner a thin, soft-spoken 29-year-old from Scorpia. He spent 12-hour shifts In CIC before the virus outbreak. Since they were […]
  • Chapter 40: The hunt for the second force. (2/16/2023) - “Major Ramirez,” commander Lawson asked, “what have we got off the Valkyrie class Battlestar’s computer.” “Well they made an effort to keep the toasters from doing what I have tried to do,” Ramirez answered. “I’m having to correlate some video data from their telescope observatory with some very heavily encrypted information on that computer. I […]
  • Chapter 39: Command Training (2/16/2023) - Chapter 39: Command Training It took quite a lot of preparation midst of a virus outbreak to make the scenario of training happen. The virtual reality suites at themselves with disinfectant and irradiated to make sure nothing could live. The hallways from the commander and executive officer Quarters work patrol by Marines. Every bit of […]
  • Chapter 38: The fight goes on! (2/16/2023) - Chapter 38: Alternate title. Recovery and Discovery Plano and Jaybird were together again, both infected with the Sunspot virus, both asymptomatic. It was a pleasure to get out of isolation and back into space flying. The mission was extremely dangerous. They were to jump 4 plotted FTL jumps back to Caprica.  They were based on […]
  • Pre-story Chapter 1 (11/30/2022) - Colonial fleet headquarters after a computer simulated exercise. Admiral Taylor was a short, hunched man with a bald head. He was 80 years old and was a young commander of the viper wing and then a Battlestar in the first colonial war. He was the fleets foremost living expert on the tactics of the Cylons. […]
  • Chapter 37 (2/16/2023) - Major Ramirez was on a video screen from her quarters. The virus outbreak had reached every corner of the Battlestar. The small, cramped but well protected CIC did not allow for the social distancing necessary to prevent the spread of the virus.  Fortunately, the ship had a robust network that allowed people to work from any […]
  • Chapter 36: Pandemic Outbreak (2/16/2023) - Karla “Blondie” Knox had the sniffles. She knew exactly where she had gotten them. Five days ago she had volunteered to co-pilot a raptor sortie because she thought the pilot was hot and she had wanted to have a chance to talk to him. Her interest was quashed when gentle probing made the man speak […]
  • Chapter 35: Viral Spread(Pandemic) (2/16/2023) - The Benson Family had survived the attack on the colonies because they were on a vacation trip from their home on Scorpia to Caprica. Their transportation had been damaged by a cylon raider before meeting up with seven other ships and beginning the monthlong journey to join up with Mercury and Solaria, nicknamed the Battlestar […]
  • Chapter 34: Evidence (2/16/2023) - Lieutenant Joe “Squirrel” Davis  was 40 years old and still a lieutenant. This was not due to a lack of skill as a Viper pilot, it was due to misbehavior off duty. He was in fact an exceptional pilot who held a type rating on different types of raptor, as well as every Viper ever flown, […]
  • Chapter 33: Overload! (2/16/2023) - Commander Eva Lawson walked into CIC more relaxed than she ever remembered. All her career she had been fracking up due to her strong sex drive when she could have just had a civilian relationship. This was so much easier if the fracker would stop showing up in her quarters unannounced. When she saw Major […]
  • Chapter 32: Damage (2/16/2023) - Eva Lawson and Maria Ramirez were sitting together in the pilots ready room, some papers strewn on a portable table. Battle damage had shattered glass in the commander’s quarters and office so Commander Lawson was temporarily homeless. “So how bad is it XO?” She steeled herself for the news which she already knew would not […]
  • Chapter 31: Jump! (2/16/2023) - The Mercury CIC was on edge, having attempted to jump directly into a firing position that provided a targeting solution for the main guns. The current thinking on tactics was the Mercury’s forward facing guns were so devastating the preferred tactic was to charge targets at high speed and aim at the enemy ships enter axis and cut her in two on the first pass.
  • Chapter 30: Solaria (2/16/2023) - Captain Brad “Reptile” Adkins settled in to the commanders office on the Solaria with a frown on his face. The desk nameplate from the previous occupant, Commander Jesse Green was still on the desk. None of the crew had survived and that meant there would be ghosts on this ship.’’
  • Chapter 29: Waiting (1/20/2023) - James “Jaybird” Thompson had been given secondary missions ever since the fall, which was only a month ago. Today he was on primary with a mission to do a micro jump and take out the refinery. His new electronic warfare officer, “Plano” was strapped in because they were in a raptor launch tube. He looked a fat stuffed bear in his seat belts. There were only a few of these on a Mercury class Battlestar. They were dedicated for special missions.
  • Chapter 28: 20 minutes later … (2/16/2023) - Twenty minutes later Commander Eva Lawson strode in to the command ready room. She was showered and her uniform was perfectly pressed straight from the cleaners. There was a spring to her step and she was ready for the first big operation in three weeks. It was well planned and would be a devastating surprise […]
  • Chapter 27: Commanders quarters (warning explicit) (2/16/2023) - The Cavil pinned her arms above her head as he thrusted in to her. She felt a familiar feeling in her lower parts as a wonderful feeling built up toward climax. He was a skilled lover as he grunted and increased the pace of his thrusts. She cried out as her climax crashed into her […]
  • Chapter 26 (2/16/2023) - Cylon mobile command center A Cavil and a six stood in a room with a three-dimensional map of the twelve colonies and several surrounding systems. There were dozens of red dots scattered around the system some near asteroids or space stations. The Cavil looked particularly vexed, upset about something. With a flick of his finger […]
  • Chapter 25: A new phase (2/16/2023) - The hiding place where they had discovered the Battlestar Solaria Museum turned out to be a good one. It seemed to be well off the Cylon patrol routes. Raptor recon showed that activity of the enemy forces was much reduced. The intelligence weenies guessed that this was because of the gigantic raid on fuel resources. […]
  • Chapter 24: Aftermath (2/16/2023) - Commander Eva Lawson was sitting in her quarters with the lights turned down. A battle plan designed to be grand and deprive the cylon fleet of fuel had done massive damage, but the price had been high. The former viper pilot and CAG had a bitter taste in her mouth. Her dinner sat besides the […]
  • Long version of the rpg PR video (1/11/2023)
  • Promotional video from the rpg (1/11/2023)
  • Chapter 23: From Mercury CIC (1/20/2023) - Lawson’s eyes bugged out for a brief moment. “Another three hundred civilians?” Ramirez nodded in the affirmative. “We have no place to put them,” the commander noted. “Our marine quarters are full.” “One hundred twenty percent,” the XO replied. “We’ll deal with it after the strike,” Commander Lawson said. “Make sure we cull these civilians […]
  • Chapter 22: Port flight pod (2/16/2023) - The mission of the squadron was to keep cylon raiders off the raptor force assigned to hit a large cylon military base. Hector “Cookie” Fishman was fresh out of viper school, having done nothing other than fly CAP since his assignment to this batttlestar. He was a line pilot, nothing special. His viper was in […]
  • Chapter 21: Striking Back raptor force foxtrot (2/16/2023) - Heather “Runner” Osinas checked her coordinates for the fifth time sinch launch from the Mercury. Her right seater was new and the pair had only flown together for two sorties supporting the CAP(Combat Air Patrol). She didn’t trust Sam “Jaybird” Garret. The two were getting to understand each others habits and eccentricities. Both were wearing […]
  • Chapter 20: Pre-strike (2/16/2023) - Commander Eva Lawson paced outside the pilots ready room, awaiting her invitation to speak. She was vary familiar with this room, but not her role. She could not overstep boundaries and act like the CAG. She had a CAG, though she barely knew the man, he had planned the strike details. She went over the […]
  • Chapter 19: Planning (2/16/2023) - The new senior staff of the Battlestar mercury were assembled around a map of table. On the table was a small model of the Battlestar itself, several vipers and raptors representing the squadrons that were now able to fight. Commander Eva Lawson stood in her ill fitting blues uniform looking over the map. To her […]
  • Chapter 18: Deadline (2/16/2023) - Joint task force base gamma was one of a dozen bases built in astroids around the solar system containing the 12 colonies. The point of these bases was the act as a tripwire in case of a cylon invasion. They were supposed to make enough noise so that the fleet come in will become aware […]
  • Chapter 17: Recon (2/16/2023) - Being the best bus driver Lieutenant Olivia ‘falcon’ Volker Was always a bus driver during her career in the colonial fleet. She never had any interest in flying vipers. She preferred the company of a weapons officer and the size, bulk, and sturdiness of the the raptor. The day the second cylon war had started, […]
  • Chapter 16: Commanders log (2/16/2023) - Battlestar Commanders log: day four of the second cylon war. Commander Jesse green recording. We have picked up over 400 souls as we stealthily move about the battle wreckage Of what was once the colonial fleet. Where there was once 120 battle stars there are now fewer than two. We may be the last Battlestar. […]
  • Chapter 15: Command (2/16/2023) - Burden of command As she leaned back in a chair that was much too big for her, acting commander Eva Lawson ponder her fate. She was in command of a powerful warship. She did not think of herself as a commander. In her own self image she was still a pilot, a major in the […]
  • Chapter 14: The End (2/16/2023) - Command is passed The rescue crews wore breathing gear due to the hull breach. Automatic doors had shut when the nuke hit. Automated systems had closed blast doors to try and minimize the loss of life. The weapon had been carefully aimed to do the maximum damage and cause the highest possible casualties. The Cylons […]
  • Chapter 13 (2/16/2023) - CIC: Battlestar Mercury Eva Lawson looked around the combat information center look of disbelief on her face. This scenario was something that every officer trained for. Normally it was a mere theoretical exercise. It took place in a classroom with unrealistic rules.  This was a classic situation from a textbook that no one believed could […]
  • Chapter 12: On the run. (2/16/2023) - Commander Green    Commander Jesse Green felt the deck shutter slightly as somehow shockwave came through.   He walked over to the long-range strategic map.  Half the time display was dark, showing no information at all.  He looked at the planet Picon,   It was a radiological alarm. That was a little unusual, even if nuclear weapons or mishandled they were […]
  • Chapter 11 : Action Stations! (2/16/2023) - CIC Battlestar Mercury The CAG stood near the center of CIC. She was on the phone barking orders at her air wing. She still near the center, the normal place of the Battlestar commander. She was oblivious to anything other than orders she was giving. She had a mental picture in her mind. This was […]
  • Chapter 10 : Cylon Base Star near the armistice line. (2/16/2023) - The Cylon hybrid stood up a little straighter and it’s tub. Water splashed. It looked a little more alert, a little more lucid than usual. Most of the time and spoke gibberish and none of the humanoid Cylons paid it much attention. “The final test is within range. Is the moon at the right height? […]
  • Chapter 9: Exploring inner cyberspace (2/16/2023) - Weaponized: Life of a network router Chaoter 8 seems to be MIA! Read on I will find it if its important. The computer program ran very few cycles per hour. However it managed to remotely wake up every network device on the battlestar. The process hit only taken a few milliseconds. Install the tiny program, […]
  • Chapter 7 : Lighting the flame! (2/16/2023) - 9 hours before the attack. Eva “Yevka” Lawson, call sign Joker was used to picking fights with LSO’s and winning. Pilots look down I’m these important officers. If they were real officers they will be flying not directing traffic. This was the attitude throughout the fleet.  LSO stood for landing signals officer. These officers with […]
  • Chapter 6 : Checking the box (2/16/2023) - 12 hours before the attacks Peter Finch was an enlisted man from Aerilon. Not highly educated, he had joined the fleet to escape poverty and a possible criminal conviction. He was a mechanic. He followed instructions. Sometimes they were complex script sometimes not. He walked into the maintenance shop in the morning and picked up […]
  • Chapter 5 : 14:32 before the attacks. (2/16/2023) - On patrol 100 km from the Cylon frontier. Lieutenant Maria Ramirez was an IT specialist assigned to the Mercury. She was about 80 kilos, medium height with straight black hair, streaked with splashes of white. She stood up straight outside the Admiral’s office. She was bringing the ships commander bad news and that would never […]
  • Chapter 4 : Attention on Deck (2/16/2023) - “Attention on deck,” said the pilot at the podium.” Over three hundred viper and raptor pilots dressed in flight suits stood up in theater seating. “Commander Air Group on deck.” Eva Lawson was dressed in a perfectly pressed blue uniform. Her black hair was tied into a tiny knot behind her head. She moved with […]
  • Chapter 3 : Eva Lawson (2/16/2023) - Eva “Yevka” Lawson was piloting a raptor, something she deemed a necessary evil. A 41 year old viper pilot she had done this one job all of her career. She had been removed as Commander Air Group of the Atlantia the flagship of the colonial fleet for getting drunk and sleeping with Admiral Nagama’s son, […]
  • Chapter 2,: Solaria Museum (2/16/2023) - In a Mk.7 Viper “Viper niner one niner you are cleared to land on the port pod. Manual landing, call the ball.” Of course the Admiral remembered that they were no auto landings on the Battlestar Solaria museum. In spite of a shaky right hand, Samuel Mueller expertly piloted his Mark VII viper. Having his […]
  • Chapter 69: The standoff (2/16/2023) - Chapter 69: Stand off. “Get raptors out to task force Saturn,” Admiral Lawson barked. “Figure out how we are going to fill in the gaps the Cylons just tore in this task force. “We have an encrypted communication from Cory Brooks of the Peoples Council.” The comms officer looked down and read carefully. “Cylon ships […]
  • Chapter 68: The Shipyard (2/16/2023) - The mutiny story was a suggestion of Mullroy234 from the BSG Deadlock discord. Solaria:Commanders Quarters Lockheart, Ward, Wilson and the representatives of six other ships all agreed that Zack “Sniper” Anthony should be their leader. His record with the Colonial fleet was not tainted like the others. He was on leave the day the Cylons […]
  • Chapter 67: The Cylons have a plan (2/16/2023) - Chapter 67: Fleet Headquarters Battelestar Solaria Ready Room Herman Wilson’s grandfather had commanded a battlestar in the first Cylon war. He had fought under the command of Eva Lawson’s grandmother, also Eva Lawson. Also an Admiral by the end of the war. She had used several flagships, the most famous of which was named Mercury, […]
  • Chapter 66: Economy of War (2/16/2023) - Chapter 66: After the attempted ambush of the Mercury the Cylons pulled all their forces away from the human colonies. It was obvious to them that Admiral Lawson was taking a confrontational approach hoping that a major battle would wake up the government. It was important to build enough ship capacity to take the population […]
  • Chapter 65: Quiet interrupted. (2/16/2023) - Day 463 after the fall Admiral Lawson had been having trouble sleeping for many months now. She knew today was the 463 days since the fall of the colonies. She is just re-qualified on the mark seven viper. Finding time to fly the minimum hours has been very difficult for her. The Cylons had not […]
  • Chapter 64: Rolling the hard six (2/16/2023) - Previous Chapter Next Chapter Day 402 after the fall. As a Major and then a Commander, Eva Lawson did not like morning meetings. No amount of coffee could get the fog out of her mind before 9 am. As an admiral she despised early morning meetings. This one was in a particularly obnoxious time 5:30 […]
  • Chapter 63: Skirmish (2/16/2023) - Day 381 after the fall Admiral Lawson was in a temporary office in the fleet HQ. Normally she kept her office hours on the Battlestar mercury. However for the past week and a half to ship a been in for repairs and she was forced to use this small office. The office had a window […]
  • Chapter 62: The last Anabasis run. (2/16/2023) - Chapter 62: Lawsons Anabasis run Day 1 Day 341 after the fall. Admiral Lawson vlog. “I hate these new digital logs,” Lawson said. “I have to have my hair done just to record the musings of my fraked up mind for the sake of history. Anyway, we are at Picon, assembling a refugee fleet with […]
  • Chapter 61: Hell or Anabasis mission 2. 10 more jumps. (2/16/2023) - Chapter 61 They got ten days “off” between missions. Admiral Lawson led a huge fleet to make the next run to the old colonies as they were now often referred to as. It took seven days for Rose Carey’s team to get through the viper and raptor repair backlog. Then there were three days of […]
  • Chapter 60: 10 jumps through hell (2/16/2023) - Chapter 60: The Cylon “Peace” The day after she was promoted to Admiral Commander Lawson, rather Admiral Lawson was greeted with a wireless call in her office on the Mercury. The buzzing was annoying so she answered it immediately.It was her executive officer Major Simmons. “Do you have a conference call with Commander Ramirez and […]
  • Chapter 59: The battlestars (2/16/2023) - Heracles in the videos a gift from Joker of the BSG Deadlock discord, Commander Maria Ramirez was looking positively thin in her blue day uniform. She was immaculate. Every button was polished, All her uniforms have been altered to her new more svelte physique physique. She knew the hallways of this Battlestar very well having […]
  • Chapter 58 Resume the war (2/16/2023) - It had not pleased anyone in the chain of command that Commander Lawson had ordered the ship yard moved. The location was picked to be convenient to the resources that were required to build ships. The :big three” as Lawson, Ramirez and Cobb were referred to as were concerned that the Cylons had guessed the […]
  • Chaper 57: Cease fire? Ends? (2/16/2023) - The admiral argued against it, Commander Ramirez argue against it. Nothing could stop Cory Brooks in her desire to go forward with the cease fire. Truth be told the colonial fleet, disorganized and undermanned needed some time off. They need to repair their ships. More than that they needed to train their people. The heavy […]
  • Chapter 56: Decisive battle? (2/16/2023) - The meeting gave new relevance to the word clandestine. Admiral Cobb had to take two raptors in order to get to the meeting Place and a dark wind swept plain on a forgotten world that no one had bothered to chart. Walking with a cane he slowly exited the raptor and shuffled up along path […]
  • Chapter 55: Saturn Trials (2/16/2023) - Admiral Andrew Cobb sat in his office staring at the report of the recent battle. He did not know what to do about the situation. Cory Brooks had pressured him into launching the attack before he was ready. The intelligence and I’ve been verified thoroughly. Although he had come out of the Battlestar before his […]
  • Chapter 54: PTSD (2/16/2023) - Chapter 54: PTSD Secure communications: From: Colonial Fleet Headquarters. Admiral Andrew Cobb To: Commander Maria Ramirez. Commander Battlestar Saturn Re: Status Commander Eva Lawson We are in receipt of the debriefing of the Commando force. We have received nothing on the status of Commander Lawson. Please send complete medical and psychological profile to this office […]
  • Chapter 53: Come on home. (2/16/2023) - Major Maria Ramirez looked totally different that she had the day of the attacks on the colonies. She had lost a lot of weight and had finally had a new uniform issued to her. She looked good in the immaculately pressed blue uniform. She waited for the Admiral’s secretary to escort him into his tiny, […]
  • Chapter 52: A better rescue plan (2/16/2023) - Chapter 52: Operation misdirect. Admiral Cobb sat in a chair at a rectangular table with six of his “senior” commanders. Though Major Maria Ramirez did not feel senior, she was there because se was he XO and temporary commander of the most powerful warship in the fleet. When he cleared his throat to speak, everyone […]
  • Chapter 51: The simulation (2/16/2023) - Andrew Cobb was an older man, the years had taken their toll on him. He was tall, with an athletic build. What little hair he had on the sides of h is head were white. He stood up when Major Ramirez walked into his office at the busy mobile shipyard. He moved slowly, as if […]
  • Chapter 50: Rescue attempt (2/16/2023) - “We are at the communications hub Major,” the technician who was a glorified geek that used to work for her when she was head of IT. “Break in,” she ordered. The man, in his early twenties with a non-regulation earring in his left ear lobe, was typing for about 55 seconds before he leaned back […]
  • Chapter 49: The prisoner (2/16/2023) - Commander Eva Lawson as a little disoriented when she awoke in the bedroom section of the commanders quarters. Her left hand reached to the other side of the bed, which she had shared with Cavil the Cylon. This was the attractive, handsome older man with a rugged intellectual look who gave her everything she needed. […]
  • Chapter 48: Hope in the ashes of victory. (2/16/2023) - Chapter 48: Hope in the ashes of victory. Cory Brooks, Executive of the Peoples Council sat in Major Martin’s office on the largest of the shipbuilding platforms. It was a giant office with a humongous wide window overlooking half the shipyard platform.  Commander Eva Lawson had not invited her. Major Martin had tendered the invitation. […]
  • Chapter 47: The M stands for mobile (2/16/2023) - Video credit: BSG Deadlock player Lochdanon – he helped shoot a lot of the footage. Commander Eva Lawson was on a tour of the secret shipbuilding facility with Major Martin. Since the Mercury was still not considered clean from the standpoint of CNP related software, the tour was conducted on the Valkyrie class vessel, the […]
  • Chapter 46: Recon (2/16/2023) - Cavil was probably clinically depressed if not psychotic. His military campaign against the colonies was going poorly. The Galactica was leading a government taking 47,000 civilians into an exile, pursued by thousands of Cylon forces. The fleet of 1000 ships that wiped out the colonies was now spread across the galaxy looking for Galactica. A […]
  • Chapter 45: Data Transfer (2/16/2023) - Lieutenant Arthur Garner was the first appointment for Major Ramirez and Major Martin, the commander it turned out of Battlestar Group 34. They were quite short of bodies if they could not find a combat commander. Garner was tasked to make all the systems of all of the ships in the Lawson fleet as it […]
  • Chapter 44: Brother John the Cylon (2/16/2023) - It was bizarre the way Brother John the Cylon was taken into custody. After weeks of quarantine Commander Lawson had bent the rules to have him in her quarters supposedly for a booty call. Instead of that thirty minutes after his arrival John the Cylon was arrested for being a Cylon agent. Fortunately for the […]
  • Chapter 43: Meets and Planning (2/16/2023) - Major Rick Martin was on a secure video link with Commander (acting) Eva Lawson. She had a curious look on her face as she went through the thick paper file she was delivered from decontamination. “We have to get a few things straight before we make the final jumps to our hidden shipyard. First we […]
  • Chapter 42: Jump 7 (2/16/2023) - The Solaria was barely keeping up. The outbreak was much less contained there and the population was mostly civilian. Gun crews infected or not isolated themselves by living in their stations. It had taken six jumps to get where they thought the civilian convoy might be. Lawson was alone in the commander’s quarters looking at […]
  • Chapter 41: Trail gets hot! (2/16/2023) - A conference call was set up with the department heads who were involved in the search for the second force, the remnants of Battlestar Group 34. CIC was represented by Major Maria Ramirez Lieutenant Arthur Garner a thin, soft-spoken 29-year-old from Scorpia. He spent 12-hour shifts In CIC before the virus outbreak. Since they were […]
  • Chapter 40: The hunt for the second force. (2/16/2023) - “Major Ramirez,” commander Lawson asked, “what have we got off the Valkyrie class Battlestar’s computer.” “Well they made an effort to keep the toasters from doing what I have tried to do,” Ramirez answered. “I’m having to correlate some video data from their telescope observatory with some very heavily encrypted information on that computer. I […]
  • Chapter 39: Command Training (2/16/2023) - Chapter 39: Command Training It took quite a lot of preparation midst of a virus outbreak to make the scenario of training happen. The virtual reality suites at themselves with disinfectant and irradiated to make sure nothing could live. The hallways from the commander and executive officer Quarters work patrol by Marines. Every bit of […]
  • Chapter 38: The fight goes on! (2/16/2023) - Chapter 38: Alternate title. Recovery and Discovery Plano and Jaybird were together again, both infected with the Sunspot virus, both asymptomatic. It was a pleasure to get out of isolation and back into space flying. The mission was extremely dangerous. They were to jump 4 plotted FTL jumps back to Caprica.  They were based on […]
  • Pre-story Chapter 1 (11/30/2022) - Colonial fleet headquarters after a computer simulated exercise. Admiral Taylor was a short, hunched man with a bald head. He was 80 years old and was a young commander of the viper wing and then a Battlestar in the first colonial war. He was the fleets foremost living expert on the tactics of the Cylons. […]
  • Chapter 37 (2/16/2023) - Major Ramirez was on a video screen from her quarters. The virus outbreak had reached every corner of the Battlestar. The small, cramped but well protected CIC did not allow for the social distancing necessary to prevent the spread of the virus.  Fortunately, the ship had a robust network that allowed people to work from any […]
  • Chapter 36: Pandemic Outbreak (2/16/2023) - Karla “Blondie” Knox had the sniffles. She knew exactly where she had gotten them. Five days ago she had volunteered to co-pilot a raptor sortie because she thought the pilot was hot and she had wanted to have a chance to talk to him. Her interest was quashed when gentle probing made the man speak […]
  • Chapter 35: Viral Spread(Pandemic) (2/16/2023) - The Benson Family had survived the attack on the colonies because they were on a vacation trip from their home on Scorpia to Caprica. Their transportation had been damaged by a cylon raider before meeting up with seven other ships and beginning the monthlong journey to join up with Mercury and Solaria, nicknamed the Battlestar […]
  • Chapter 34: Evidence (2/16/2023) - Lieutenant Joe “Squirrel” Davis  was 40 years old and still a lieutenant. This was not due to a lack of skill as a Viper pilot, it was due to misbehavior off duty. He was in fact an exceptional pilot who held a type rating on different types of raptor, as well as every Viper ever flown, […]
  • Chapter 33: Overload! (2/16/2023) - Commander Eva Lawson walked into CIC more relaxed than she ever remembered. All her career she had been fracking up due to her strong sex drive when she could have just had a civilian relationship. This was so much easier if the fracker would stop showing up in her quarters unannounced. When she saw Major […]
  • Chapter 32: Damage (2/16/2023) - Eva Lawson and Maria Ramirez were sitting together in the pilots ready room, some papers strewn on a portable table. Battle damage had shattered glass in the commander’s quarters and office so Commander Lawson was temporarily homeless. “So how bad is it XO?” She steeled herself for the news which she already knew would not […]
  • Chapter 31: Jump! (2/16/2023) - The Mercury CIC was on edge, having attempted to jump directly into a firing position that provided a targeting solution for the main guns. The current thinking on tactics was the Mercury’s forward facing guns were so devastating the preferred tactic was to charge targets at high speed and aim at the enemy ships enter axis and cut her in two on the first pass.
  • Chapter 30: Solaria (2/16/2023) - Captain Brad “Reptile” Adkins settled in to the commanders office on the Solaria with a frown on his face. The desk nameplate from the previous occupant, Commander Jesse Green was still on the desk. None of the crew had survived and that meant there would be ghosts on this ship.’’
  • Chapter 29: Waiting (1/20/2023) - James “Jaybird” Thompson had been given secondary missions ever since the fall, which was only a month ago. Today he was on primary with a mission to do a micro jump and take out the refinery. His new electronic warfare officer, “Plano” was strapped in because they were in a raptor launch tube. He looked a fat stuffed bear in his seat belts. There were only a few of these on a Mercury class Battlestar. They were dedicated for special missions.
  • Chapter 28: 20 minutes later … (2/16/2023) - Twenty minutes later Commander Eva Lawson strode in to the command ready room. She was showered and her uniform was perfectly pressed straight from the cleaners. There was a spring to her step and she was ready for the first big operation in three weeks. It was well planned and would be a devastating surprise […]
  • Chapter 27: Commanders quarters (warning explicit) (2/16/2023) - The Cavil pinned her arms above her head as he thrusted in to her. She felt a familiar feeling in her lower parts as a wonderful feeling built up toward climax. He was a skilled lover as he grunted and increased the pace of his thrusts. She cried out as her climax crashed into her […]
  • Chapter 26 (2/16/2023) - Cylon mobile command center A Cavil and a six stood in a room with a three-dimensional map of the twelve colonies and several surrounding systems. There were dozens of red dots scattered around the system some near asteroids or space stations. The Cavil looked particularly vexed, upset about something. With a flick of his finger […]
  • Chapter 25: A new phase (2/16/2023) - The hiding place where they had discovered the Battlestar Solaria Museum turned out to be a good one. It seemed to be well off the Cylon patrol routes. Raptor recon showed that activity of the enemy forces was much reduced. The intelligence weenies guessed that this was because of the gigantic raid on fuel resources. […]
  • Chapter 24: Aftermath (2/16/2023) - Commander Eva Lawson was sitting in her quarters with the lights turned down. A battle plan designed to be grand and deprive the cylon fleet of fuel had done massive damage, but the price had been high. The former viper pilot and CAG had a bitter taste in her mouth. Her dinner sat besides the […]
  • Long version of the rpg PR video (1/11/2023)
  • Promotional video from the rpg (1/11/2023)
  • Chapter 23: From Mercury CIC (1/20/2023) - Lawson’s eyes bugged out for a brief moment. “Another three hundred civilians?” Ramirez nodded in the affirmative. “We have no place to put them,” the commander noted. “Our marine quarters are full.” “One hundred twenty percent,” the XO replied. “We’ll deal with it after the strike,” Commander Lawson said. “Make sure we cull these civilians […]
  • Chapter 22: Port flight pod (2/16/2023) - The mission of the squadron was to keep cylon raiders off the raptor force assigned to hit a large cylon military base. Hector “Cookie” Fishman was fresh out of viper school, having done nothing other than fly CAP since his assignment to this batttlestar. He was a line pilot, nothing special. His viper was in […]
  • Chapter 21: Striking Back raptor force foxtrot (2/16/2023) - Heather “Runner” Osinas checked her coordinates for the fifth time sinch launch from the Mercury. Her right seater was new and the pair had only flown together for two sorties supporting the CAP(Combat Air Patrol). She didn’t trust Sam “Jaybird” Garret. The two were getting to understand each others habits and eccentricities. Both were wearing […]
  • Chapter 20: Pre-strike (2/16/2023) - Commander Eva Lawson paced outside the pilots ready room, awaiting her invitation to speak. She was vary familiar with this room, but not her role. She could not overstep boundaries and act like the CAG. She had a CAG, though she barely knew the man, he had planned the strike details. She went over the […]
  • Chapter 19: Planning (2/16/2023) - The new senior staff of the Battlestar mercury were assembled around a map of table. On the table was a small model of the Battlestar itself, several vipers and raptors representing the squadrons that were now able to fight. Commander Eva Lawson stood in her ill fitting blues uniform looking over the map. To her […]
  • Chapter 18: Deadline (2/16/2023) - Joint task force base gamma was one of a dozen bases built in astroids around the solar system containing the 12 colonies. The point of these bases was the act as a tripwire in case of a cylon invasion. They were supposed to make enough noise so that the fleet come in will become aware […]
  • Chapter 17: Recon (2/16/2023) - Being the best bus driver Lieutenant Olivia ‘falcon’ Volker Was always a bus driver during her career in the colonial fleet. She never had any interest in flying vipers. She preferred the company of a weapons officer and the size, bulk, and sturdiness of the the raptor. The day the second cylon war had started, […]
  • Chapter 16: Commanders log (2/16/2023) - Battlestar Commanders log: day four of the second cylon war. Commander Jesse green recording. We have picked up over 400 souls as we stealthily move about the battle wreckage Of what was once the colonial fleet. Where there was once 120 battle stars there are now fewer than two. We may be the last Battlestar. […]
  • Chapter 15: Command (2/16/2023) - Burden of command As she leaned back in a chair that was much too big for her, acting commander Eva Lawson ponder her fate. She was in command of a powerful warship. She did not think of herself as a commander. In her own self image she was still a pilot, a major in the […]
  • Chapter 14: The End (2/16/2023) - Command is passed The rescue crews wore breathing gear due to the hull breach. Automatic doors had shut when the nuke hit. Automated systems had closed blast doors to try and minimize the loss of life. The weapon had been carefully aimed to do the maximum damage and cause the highest possible casualties. The Cylons […]
  • Chapter 13 (2/16/2023) - CIC: Battlestar Mercury Eva Lawson looked around the combat information center look of disbelief on her face. This scenario was something that every officer trained for. Normally it was a mere theoretical exercise. It took place in a classroom with unrealistic rules.  This was a classic situation from a textbook that no one believed could […]
  • Chapter 12: On the run. (2/16/2023) - Commander Green    Commander Jesse Green felt the deck shutter slightly as somehow shockwave came through.   He walked over to the long-range strategic map.  Half the time display was dark, showing no information at all.  He looked at the planet Picon,   It was a radiological alarm. That was a little unusual, even if nuclear weapons or mishandled they were […]
  • Chapter 11 : Action Stations! (2/16/2023) - CIC Battlestar Mercury The CAG stood near the center of CIC. She was on the phone barking orders at her air wing. She still near the center, the normal place of the Battlestar commander. She was oblivious to anything other than orders she was giving. She had a mental picture in her mind. This was […]
  • Chapter 10 : Cylon Base Star near the armistice line. (2/16/2023) - The Cylon hybrid stood up a little straighter and it’s tub. Water splashed. It looked a little more alert, a little more lucid than usual. Most of the time and spoke gibberish and none of the humanoid Cylons paid it much attention. “The final test is within range. Is the moon at the right height? […]
  • Chapter 9: Exploring inner cyberspace (2/16/2023) - Weaponized: Life of a network router Chaoter 8 seems to be MIA! Read on I will find it if its important. The computer program ran very few cycles per hour. However it managed to remotely wake up every network device on the battlestar. The process hit only taken a few milliseconds. Install the tiny program, […]
  • Chapter 7 : Lighting the flame! (2/16/2023) - 9 hours before the attack. Eva “Yevka” Lawson, call sign Joker was used to picking fights with LSO’s and winning. Pilots look down I’m these important officers. If they were real officers they will be flying not directing traffic. This was the attitude throughout the fleet.  LSO stood for landing signals officer. These officers with […]
  • Chapter 6 : Checking the box (2/16/2023) - 12 hours before the attacks Peter Finch was an enlisted man from Aerilon. Not highly educated, he had joined the fleet to escape poverty and a possible criminal conviction. He was a mechanic. He followed instructions. Sometimes they were complex script sometimes not. He walked into the maintenance shop in the morning and picked up […]
  • Chapter 5 : 14:32 before the attacks. (2/16/2023) - On patrol 100 km from the Cylon frontier. Lieutenant Maria Ramirez was an IT specialist assigned to the Mercury. She was about 80 kilos, medium height with straight black hair, streaked with splashes of white. She stood up straight outside the Admiral’s office. She was bringing the ships commander bad news and that would never […]
  • Chapter 4 : Attention on Deck (2/16/2023) - “Attention on deck,” said the pilot at the podium.” Over three hundred viper and raptor pilots dressed in flight suits stood up in theater seating. “Commander Air Group on deck.” Eva Lawson was dressed in a perfectly pressed blue uniform. Her black hair was tied into a tiny knot behind her head. She moved with […]
  • Chapter 3 : Eva Lawson (2/16/2023) - Eva “Yevka” Lawson was piloting a raptor, something she deemed a necessary evil. A 41 year old viper pilot she had done this one job all of her career. She had been removed as Commander Air Group of the Atlantia the flagship of the colonial fleet for getting drunk and sleeping with Admiral Nagama’s son, […]
  • Chapter 2,: Solaria Museum (2/16/2023) - In a Mk.7 Viper “Viper niner one niner you are cleared to land on the port pod. Manual landing, call the ball.” Of course the Admiral remembered that they were no auto landings on the Battlestar Solaria museum. In spite of a shaky right hand, Samuel Mueller expertly piloted his Mark VII viper. Having his […]