Chapter 8: The hearing & recall
<<<<<<<<<<<< Chapter 7 Chapter 9 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The military lawyer was one of the few that…
<<<<<<<<<<<< Chapter 7 Chapter 9 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The military lawyer was one of the few that…
Admiral Lawson straightened her uniform after 30 minutes of intense planning in the office portion… Call sign Bouncer was the pilot of raptor 677 from the Battlestar Saturn. He…
Admiral Andrew Cobb sat in his office staring at the report of the recent battle.… Amazing run
Colonial fleet headquarters after a computer simulated exercise. Admiral Taylor was a short, hunched man…
Major Ramirez was on a video screen from her quarters. The virus outbreak had reached…
Lieutenant Joe “Squirrel” Davis was 40 years old and still a lieutenant. This was not due… Refinery Batlle video courtesy Eva Lawson and Maria Ramirez were sitting together in…