December 2023

Battlestar Mercury Book 3: “Logistics” Chapter 31 “Sloppy.”

Day 812 of the second Cylon war. “Commander Modi,” Admiral Lawson spoke to her subordinate at the other end of a video conference. “Congratulations on your victory over the Cylon task force. Your after action report was quite detailed. Your deployment recommendations were interesting. You believe that the Artemis class and the Valkyrie class should

Battlestar Mercury Book 3: “Logistics” Chapter 31 “Sloppy.” Read More »

Battlestar Mercury Book 3 “Logistics” Chapter 30: “Revenge”

Commanders log: Battlestar Solaria. Indira Modi recording. “This Battlestar, a 50 year old relic, is heading to task force conducting the counterstrike to the loss of task force 87. It is hardly the same ship.” “Most of the internal structures have been replaced and reinforced. Landing and launch systems have been replaced in our mobile

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Battlestar Mercury Book 3 “Logistics” Chapter 29 “Overpowered”

“Commanders log, day 807 of the second Cylon war. Commander Baker recording for task force 87. “After five days down time for flight training and minor repairs, we are ready for another combat jump. Recon photos shows the same fleet we faced last time. One modern base star, one Guardian class base star. The jump

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Battlestar Mercury Book 3 “Logistics” Chapter 28: “Smaller skirmish #2”

Commander: Task Force 87. 3 Valkyrie class support battlestars. Commander Charles “Beans” Baker recording from the Battlestar Avenger. “Today is day 800 of the second Cylon war. It is not a momentous day. It’s just another day at the office for the colonial forces as we try to disrupt Cylon supply lines, and enable our

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Battlestar Mercury Book 3 “Logistics” Chapter 27 “Skirmish”

Task Force 87 Avenger & Zeus Valkyrie Class Commanders log book: Battlestar Avenger. Class Valkyrie. Commander Charles “Beans” Baker recording. “Before the war, I was a flight instructor at the fleet academy. After being rescued and discovered by the new Colonial fleet, my service as a bridge officer on a Valkyrie class battlestar a decade

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