Pictures of the battlestar (interior)
Pictures of the battlestar (interior) Read More »
Cylon idea proposal While sitting in my chem class, I was thinking about the nature of Cylon evolution (like one does in a class totally unrelated to BSG) What we have as a vague outline for the Cylon motivations in Genesis could work to solve the issue of avatar design and fighter design. Assuming we
An idea on Cylons and Raiders Read More »
What follows is a letter/note card that I received from Krislynn Pennell. The contents make me hopefull that we can put the past behind us and try our best to press onward for the sake of the Players and all of those BSG lovers out there. It is clear that she has some reservations, but
As Im trying, between work, classrs, and finding a few minutes to eat or even sleep, Im still working over the event timeline of the game. Im curious what ratio of action/combat to roleplay/problem and puzzle solving people prefer. The decisions will eliminate some events, enable others and generally determine the overall environment of the
Story event timeline Read More »
Hello everyone! If you havn’t seen the notice i have the application/landing zone area nearly built. I am also working on furnishing the surface so we can start RP soon. I have come up with a basic premise RP until we get the vipers and battlestar finished. We also have our first member! The sim
Obviously I’m proud of the ongoing feature upgrade to the site. I will continue to add features to make the pace easier to use and foster collaboration.
Chat added to the website. Just click the bottom left hand corner to collaborate Read More »
< Loosely related to other posts. Creative ideas within the theme> Steven Williams was 48 years old, with mostly dark thinning hair. He had been working various Information Technology contracts for the past dozen years. He had worked for the Pentagon before as well as the CIA, and the NSA. This contract was open ended
Genesis threads. The database. Read More »
There will be notices in world. Just a get together to discuss getting this project rolling. Anax has agreed to take over storytelling and some day to day management tasks. He will be in transit but there is no reason not to meet.
Meeting set: Friday 4 pm PST Read More »
Well I put in bbpress, because it looked easy. I’ve also integrated twiter into the site. If you post, we tweet. I will see about facebook integration as well. I’m on a roll Original post below: ————————————————– I really like the wordpress site. It is simple to administer and allowed me to do a lot
Thinking about forums again Read More »
I am following Elena’s example and would like to give a short introduction of myself. My name is Rhonda Pinion-Streeter. I have been in SL for about *mumble* six years. Some background: I met an awesome guy at a club one day. He worked there. I ended up working there as well. Time passed and
One day we were standing on sim and half of the prims just poofed…
V1: The day SL almost managed what the Cylons hadn’t… Read More »
Lindsey also known as Muffy was our creative storytelling inspiration. She sparked the rebirth of the sim and sadly she has left us, hopefully temporarily due to heavy real life responsibilities. I can understand. 5 weeks ago I got the flu on the way to Israel and it took 4 weeks to kick it. I
Sim still supported. Future after Lindsey. After Shmuel Read More »